F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)

Needs more review

Came vs Went

Came = Where are you now

Went = Where did you go

e.g. I went to America last year.

e.g. I came back to China in September.

e.g. I came to class. <<You’re in the class now>>

e.g. I went to a store. <<You’re not at the store now>>


studying / STUD-EE-YING

starting / START-ING


original song / “original” – 原创歌曲 – a song YOU wrote

cover song / “cover” – you didn’t write this song, you just sing another person’s song

e.g. On YouTube and other social media app, artists (musician) cover other famous people’s music and then they become famous and write original music!

focus – 专注 – “pay attention to”

e.g. Yara said: “Game of Thrones is a show where you must focus or “pay attention” to the story. If you don’t focus then you will not understand.

e.g. Yara was distracted during my English class, I told her: “Please pay attention”! 

e.g.Yara was distracted during my English class, I told her: “Please focus!”

[“you will get lost”] = you will not understand 

distracted – 分心 – to not pay attention to something, to lose your focus easily

e.g. Yara said: “When she’s in her dorm, she gets easily distracted while she watched TV shows.

season  – the first part of the story, and it has many episodes

episode  – this is one show of the season – there are only a few seasons, but many episodes

e.g. Game of Thrones has many seasons, I think 8 seasons, and each season has 6 episodes. So total, there are 48 episodes.

to apply – to fill out a paper with the government or a business so that you can get something

e.g. I applied to a very good university in Europe because I wanted to get in!

e.g. I applied for a visa to the CZ because I wanted to study art!

costume / costume design

e.g. I wear a costume, Yara designed this costume. Yara studies costume design or “how to design costumes”.

e.g. What do you study? I study costume design and makeup!

rug – 地毯

e.g. Jon Snow from GOT wears a rug as a shawl – 披肩.


I was + verb-ING

I verb + ed

e.g. I was studying 5 years ago.

e.g. I studied 5 years ago.

We get “a thing

e.g. I want to get a graduate certificate.

e.g. I want to get a new visa to the CR or Germany.

“Yesterday’s the past. Tomorrow is the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present!”

How have you changed in the past 5 years?

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?


5 years ago I was just a student in high school, in those these days I maked made / [applied for] my visa to the Czech Republic– I found that I had a German visa 5 years ago.

I just eleven grade in high school / I was just in eleventh grade of high school

5 years ago I’m work, I’m starting the whole day, and my goals is to go a good college / 5 years ago I was working, I was studying the whole day / I studied the whole day, and my goals were to go to a good college

Study and drawing is in my whole life / studying and drawing was my whole life


past = “in those days” / “during that time”

present = “these days” / “currently” (xianzai)

e.g. In those days, I was a basketball players, but these days / currently, I am just a teacher.


In the next 5 years, I think I will get a graduate certificate and I will go abroad to study costume design in a graduate school