F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)


The Wolf of Wall Street by Martin Scorcese starring Leonardo Di Caprio

Wall Street – a 1980s film starring Charlie Sheen


ensue – to begin – very formal, and usually refers to a fight or a process or a war.

e.g. If no deal is reached, then a full trade war will ensue

“leans to the right” – “right wing politically”/Republican – this references the American “right wing” of political thought which usually includes lower taxes, less government spending, and free markets.

left wing economics – usually involves higher taxes and more government spending to spur economic growth.

public works project – when the govt spends on infrastructure – usually a left wing economic idea.

wastefully / to waste / – adj – to not spend resources wisely

e.g. Sometimes people and governments spend money wastefully.

roll out – to introduce a new project

e.g. Facebook usually will roll out a new website design before introducing it to all of the users.

“across the board” – including everything

e.g. The Chinese government is lowering taxes across the board including for individuals and companies.

nationalization / to nationalize – state ownership of key industries like banking and finance, electricity, telecommunication etc.

e.g. The Chinese government nationalized the banks a long time ago.

implode / the opposite of explode – it’s to die on the inside – ç ´ç­

e.g. Eventually the Soviet currency and economy imploded.


the negotiation between China and the USA / the negotiations between China and the USA

think of adding tariff for USA products / think of adding tariffs 

USA company / US companies

like Europe country / like European countries

in view of the weakened economic / in view of the weakened economic news/data / in view of the weekend economy

to promote the public investment

in different areas [sectors] which has stimulated economic growth in the future / in different areas which will stimulate economic growth in the future

the left wing is more efficiently / the left wing is more efficient / the left wing manages more efficiently

if there is monopoly in the industry / if there is a monopoly in the industry

this is my roughly estimate / this is my rough estimate