F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)




woman / WUH-MIN

women / WIH-MIN

outlet / OUT-LIT


bask in the sun – 晒太阳 – spend time in the sun

sun bathing – to take a bath in the sun – to “tan” – to go “tanning”

overheat – I feel too hot – I get too hot

e.g. If I spend too much time in the sun, I overheat.

e.g. I was in a small room with no AC (空调) and I overheated.

to sweat / sweating -出汗

e.g. Last night for dinner, I ate spicy food, and then I was sweating at the table.

e.g. Nina doesn’t want to play outside because she doesn’t like to sweat.

air conditioning / AC – 空调

e.g. I need every room to be very cold.

e.g. At night, I can’t sleep unless the AC is blasting.

blasting = blowing very strong / informal

e.g. In the winter, you need the heat blasting.

e.g. Can you turn down the heat in this taxi? It’s blasting!

metro / subway – di tie

sensitive – 敏感 – a little weak

e.g. I am very sensitive to the heat, that’s why during the summer time I am not happy.

e.g. My younger brother always cried when he was little, because we said mean things to him — he was very sensitive! It was very easy to hurt his feelings.

toothpaste – 牙膏

e.g. My teeth are sensitive and I need to buy special toothpaste!

outlet – you plug in your things for electricity

e.g. You plug your phone charger into the outlet.

to plug into – to put your technology into the outlet for power / for electricity

e.g. This TV monitor is plugged into the outlet.

e.g. Taxi Driver, can you please plug in my phone to your outlet? Can you please plug in my phone? It’s going to die!

battery – 电池

e.g. My battery kept dying, so I had to charge my phone again and again.


no line = no cord = no wire = wireless – 无线

in-ear headphones / over-ear headphones – 耳机

the year before last = 2017

last year = 2018

this year = 2019

the day before last = two days ago = the day before yesterday 


Couldn’t = in the past

e.g. when I just bought it I can’t use it / when I first bought it I couldn’t use it

so I change this one / so I changed to this one

help me learn English too fastwill help me learn English faster!

it’s not work / it doesn’t work / the outlets in my home doesn’t work

I come by home / I will go back home

for woman / for women

before I plan to sport, but now I can’t go outside / be in the sunlight /