F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)


stretched too thin – I have too many things to do

e.g. I wanted to help you with your project, but I couldn’t, I am stretched too thin.

overextend yourself – to make too many work commitments at the same time

e.g. Hey, I have to cancel our dinner Wednesday, I have overextended myself a bit.

TGIF – Thank God It’s Friday

Hump Day = Wednesday – “you want to get over the hump which is the middle of the week”

10th version / [10th iteration] / [10th round of changes]

she has no filter / wears her heart on her sleeve / doesn’t hold back / direct

ebb and flow – this is the rhythm of your work (or anything) – how do things move and how fast do they move

e.g. What is the ebb and flow of your business work?

social circle = your close friends = social life

matriarch = matriarchy = mother leader = matriarchal

e.g. Michelle is the matriarch of her family.

patriarch = patriarchy = father leader = patriarchal

e.g. Society is usually patriarchal.

e.g. The father is the patriarch.

e.g Women are fighting against the patriarchy!

cog in the wheel 

e.g. In big businesses, there are limited opportunities for creativity — you are just a cog in the wheel.

work ethic – the quality of working hard

progressive – it’s forward thinking – it’s thinking in a creative way for the future

e.g. Flexible work hours and “working remote” are very progressive policies.

“I used to think” = “previously I thought”


not meant to do that / didn’t mean to do that

in my network have 3 types of friends / in my network have 3 types of friends

and third kind is / and the third kind is