F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [R]


wander (v): 1- to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction:
E.g.: We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.
E.g.: She was found several hours later, wandering the streets, lost.

thrill (n): 1-a feeling of extreme excitement, usually caused by something pleasant:
E.g.: the thrill of winning a competition
E.g.: It gave me a real thrill to see her again after so many years.

megaphone (n): 1-a cone-shaped device that makes your voice louder when you speak into it, so that people can hear you although they are not near to you

cone (n): 1-zhui 1-a shape with a flat, round or oval base and a top that becomes narrower until it forms a point:
E.g.: a traffic cone

code of conduct (n): 1-a set of rules about how to behave and do business with other people:
E.g.: The pharmaceutical industry’s code of conduct says doctors may not be given gifts in exchange for an agreement to prescribe a product.

attempt (n/v): 1- the act of trying to do something, especially something difficult:
E.g.(v): Make sure the rope is firmly attached before attempting(v) to climb down it.
E.g.(n): She made a few half-hearted attempts(n) to join in their conversation.
E.g.(n): He made no attempt(n) to be sociable.
E.g.(n): This is my second attempt(n) at the exam.

boom (v): 1-to increase or become successful and produce a lot of money very quickly:
E.g.: (often in continuous tenses) The tourism industry is booming.

idyllic (adj): 1-An idyllic place or experience is extremely pleasant, beautiful, or peaceful:
E.g.: an idyllic childhood/summer
E.g.: an idyllic village in the Yorkshire Dales

curtain (n): 1-a piece of material, especially cloth, that hangs across a window or opening to make a room or part of a room dark or private:
E.g.: Heavy curtains blocked out the sunlight.
E.g.: to draw (= open or close) the curtains

amateur (n): 1-a person who takes part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job:
E.g.: This tennis tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals.
amateur (adj): 1-taking part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job:
E.g.: an amateur astronomer/boxer/historian
E.g.: He was an amateur singer until the age of 40, when he turned professional.






Being a tourist and wandering around the sites of old villages is great, but is it such a thrill for the locals? Villagers living in the area of ‘Old Holland’ near Amsterdam have had enough of visitors and tour guides with megaphones disturbing their peace. They have teamed up with tour companies to create rules of conduct for tourists. These include not photographing residents without asking, not going into their gardens and not dropping litter. The rules are an attempt to deal with the growing popularity of the area. Tourism is booming and will rise by 50 per cent in the next decade.

Old Holland is idyllic and matches our image of Holland from a past age. There are many windmills and locals live in traditional wooden houses. A local resident told Holland’s Het Parool newspaper that the village of Zaanse Schans is like an open-air museum. He said: “One resident…opened his curtains in the morning and looked into the camera lenses of nine amateur photographers.” He added: “The visitors seem happy to knock on the wooden houses to see if it is real wood. If you are the resident of that house, that is not pleasant.” Tour buses were the biggest nuisance.