F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

I was watching a drama recently called QingYuNian. It is updated 2 episodes daily from Monday to Wednesday. It is adapted from a novel. The story is about the hero travels from the era of human extinction to another new space. In the new space, the hero is the bastard of emperor, but he was raised as a liegeman’s bastard in his hometown. In the process of tracking the death of his mother, he experiences a series of machiavellian, and eventually finds that the biggest villain is his father-the emperor, and he determines to kill him. Because the drama is not over yet, I also read the novel at the same time. The novel is more wonderful than drama. After all, a lot of content will be modified so that it could be approved on the TV. The main reason I would go to watch this drama is the emperor actor is Chen Daoming. He is an excellent actor in the entertainment industry. His acting skills are very good, but he hasn’t appeared on the screen for a long time.

I was watching a drama recently called QingYuNian. It is updated 2 episodes daily from Monday to Wednesday. It is adapted from a novel/ It’s a novel adaptation. The story is about a hero who travels from the era of the human extinction/post-apocalyptic world to another dimension. In this dimension, the hero is a bastard of an emperor, but he was raised as a liegeman’s/vassals’ bastard in his hometown. In the process of tracking the death of his mother, he experiences a series of machiavellian events and eventually finds that the biggest villain is his father-the emperor, and he becomes determined to kill him. Because the drama is not over yet, I also read the novel at the same time. The novel is more interesting/captivating than drama. After all, a lot of content will be modified so that it could be approved for the TV screening. The main reason I would go to watch this drama is that the emperor is portrayed by the actor Chen Daoming. He is an excellent member of the entertainment industry. His acting skills are very good, but he hasn’t appeared on the screen for a long time.


We have stepped into a new dimension.我们进入了一个新纪元。

he traveled to another dimension 他去了另一个世界

Post-apocalyptic fiction is a sub-genre of science fiction. For a novel to be post-apocalyptic, the setting must be one where the end of the world has already taken place and characters are trying to survive and start anew

captivating (Adj): holding your attention by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive:
a captivating performance
E.g.: Her voice was utterly/absolutely captivating.

portray (v): to represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book, or other artistic work
E.g.: The painting portrays a beautiful young woman in a blue dress.
E.g.: The writer portrays life in a small village at the turn of the century.

vassal (n): in medieval Europe, a man who agreed to fight for a king or lord (= rich and powerful landowner) when needed, in exchange for land to live on