F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

soulmate (n):someone, usually your romantic or sexual partner, who you have a special relationship with, and who you know and love very much
E.g.: Later that year she met Adam and she knew instantly that they were soulmates.

sole (adj):being one only; single
E.g.: My sole objective is to make the information more widely available.
E.g.: The sole survivor of the accident was found in the water after six hours.

people are busy WITH their work

he’s a creature of habit-他是个有习惯的人

annoying (adj)making you feel annoyed
E.g. : It’s really annoying when a train is late and there’s no explanation.
E.g. : He’s got a really annoying laugh.

annoyed (adj):angry
E.g. : I was so annoyed with him for turning up late.
E.g. : He was annoyed at the way she tried to take over the whole meeting.

annoy (v):to make someone angry
E.g. : Tina really annoyed me in the meeting this morning.
E.g. : I’m sorry – is my cough annoying you?

recipe for success-成功的秘诀/成功的诀窍等
E.g. :Eric’s recipe for success is a balanced mix of confidence and diligence.

Writing exercise

To Nemo,
Last week I watched Marry and Max as you introduced to me.
it’s a movie about friendship. It’s a sad but warm. Lonely Marry meets lonely Max. They are unfortunate, but fortunately they meet each other. Fate is a wonderful thing. Two people at opposite ends of the earth become soul friends because of the fate.
They communicate through letters. Then Marry publishes a book about Max as a research subject. Max are really angry about that because he felt Marry betrays him. His point of angry is that she see him as a patient, like everyone else, rather than as a friend of a normal person. Eventually, of course, Max forgives her. In his last letter he said: The reason i forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect, and so am i. we all have our faults. Maybe we should not expect anything from anyone, we can’t change anyone. All we can do is accept and respect others.
One of the interesting thing about Max’s letters is that it’s in passing for big life experiences, like getting sick, manslaughter, jackpot. But it takes a lot of space to describe everyday things, like what he eats and who he meets on the road. Which is really interesting. It shows that he is a very love of life, a person who only cares about the real feelings. He is a really warm person.

To Nemo,
Last week I watched Marry and Max as you suggested me to.
It’s a movie about friendship. It’s a sad but warm movie. Lonely Marry meets lonely Max. They are unfortunate, but fortunately they meet each other. Fate is a wonderful thing. Two people at the opposite ends of the earth become soulmates because of the fate/because it was meant to happen
They communicate through letters. Then Marry publishes a book about Max in which he is a sole research subject. Max is really angry about that because he felt that Marry betrayed him. The main reason of his anger/why he’s angry is that it seems to him that she’s seeing him only as a patient, an experiment specimen, like everyone else, rather than as a friend or a normal person. Eventually, of course, Max forgives her. In his last letter he said: “The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect, and so am I.” We all have our faults. Maybe we should not expect anything from anyone, we can’t change anyone. All we can do is to accept and respect others.
One of the interesting things about Max’s letters is that he writes little about his personal big/important/life-changing (life) experiences, like getting sick, a case of manslaughter, winning a jackpot. But it takes a lot of space to describe everyday things, like what he eats and who he meets on the road. Which is really interesting. It shows that he is a life loving person, a person who only cares about the real feelings. He is a really warm person.