F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


slang (n):very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written, used especially by particular groups of people
army slang
a slang expression
“Chicken” is slang for someone who isn’t very brave.
chicken 是用来称呼胆小者的俚语。

formal language-正式语言

informal language-非正式语言

formal (adj):Formal language, clothes, and behaviour are suitable for serious or official occasions.
E.g.: a formal dinner party

(adj):(of situations) not formal or official, or (of clothing, behaviour, speech) suitable when you are with friends and family but not for official occasions
E.g.: The two groups agreed to hold/have an informal meeting.
E.g.: He’s the ideal sort of teacher – direct, friendly, and informal.
E.g.: “Hi” is an informal way of greeting people.


simple (adj):easy to understand or do; not difficult
E.g.: The instructions were written in simple English.
E.g.: It’s simple to find our house.

commute (v):to make the same journey regularly between work and home
E.g.: It’s exhausting commuting from Brighton to London every day.

commute (n): a regular journey between work and home
E.g.: It’s at least an hour’s commute to work.

constantly (adj):all the time or often
E.g.: She has the TV on constantly.
E.g.: He’s constantly changing his mind.

Writing exercise

Wonderful Weekend
My friends and I spent a wonderful weekend in Aug, We booking a big villa have 5 bed rooms and a spacious living room.
The first day we arrived the villa at 12a.m. Our husbands started to prepare our lunch: barbecue. That day is a very hot day, but they still work hard in the garden.However women and kids were waiting for foods and chatting in the living room, it was a happy time for us. In the afternoon, some played cards and some chatted. At night, some brought their kids to swim and some watched film in villa. The time passed fast and free. The next day, my friends went to a characteristic restaurant to have lunch, the view is so beauty and the food is delicious. My husband and I cannot join the lunch due to my husband had something urgent to handle. So we left Suzhou went back to Shanghai earlier.
The weekend was wonderful. My friends and I all expect the next time we get together very soon.

Wonderful Weekend/A wonderful weekend
My friends and I spent a wonderful weekend in Aug, We booked a big villa with 5 bedrooms and a spacious living room.
On the first day we arrived to the villa at 12a.m. Our husbands started to prepare our lunch: barbecue. That day was a very hot day, but they still worked hard in the garden. However women and kids were waiting for foods and chatting in the living room, it was a happy time for us. In the afternoon, some of us played cards and some were chatting. At night, some took their kids to swim and some watched a film in the villa. The time passed fast and we were free to do whatever we wanted to. The next day, my friends went to a local restaurant/we went to a restaurant serving local food to have lunch, the view was so beautiful and the food was delicious. My husband and I couldn’t join the lunch because my husband had something urgent to handle.  So we left Suzhou and went back to Shanghai earlier (than others/than we were supposed to).
The weekend was wonderful. We all hope to travel again together very soon.