F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


before/after dark
​before/after the sun has gone down:
E.g.: It isn’t safe to leave the house after dark.
E.g.: I want to be home before dark.

stutter (v):to speak or say something, especially the first part of a word, with difficulty, for example pausing before it or repeating it several times
E.g.: She stutters a little, so be patient and let her finish what she’s saying.
E.g.: “C-c-can we g-go now?” stuttered Jenkins.

narcissist (n):someone who has too much admiration for himself or herself
E.g.: My boss is a narcissist.


very often she talks ABOUT herself

Last night, I saw a documentary named Life Story which produces by BBC. There is a wild goose which nest on the cliff, their squabs have to jumped from a hundred meters of cliff when they just born in this world for 2 days. I was really shocked by that. They even can’t fly so they only can count on their soft belly and luck in this jump. Their parents wait for them on the ground and can’t do anything. Finally, there are 3 squabs survived and they have to follow their parents to go to other places for food immediately, otherwise some beasts would eat them. How cruel nature is! I suppose it is thankful that we live in a comfortable and happy life .

Last night, I saw a documentary named Life Story which produced by BBC. There is a wild goose that nests on the cliff, their squabs have to jumped from/off a hundred meters tall of cliff/just two days after they came to this world/ when they‘re just born in this world for 2 days old/. I was really shocked by that. They  can’t even fly so they can only count on their soft belly and luck when  jumping off the cliff. Their parents wait on them on the ground/at the foot of the cliff and can’t do anything/they can’t help them. Finally, there are 3 squabs that survived and they have to follow their parents immediately,  to go to other places to look for food/ in order to find food, otherwise some beasts would/could eat them. How cruel the nature is! I suppose that I should be grateful thankful that we/I’m  living in a comfortable and happy life .