F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Writing exercise

Why is it more difficult to go to a good public school if you try to go to private school first? This seems harsh…

In China, good educational resources are limited whatever public schools or private schools. You can enter a good public school depends on where you live. It means you must have a school district house.
The price for the house is so expensive now, so many people have to work hard to get their children into private schools.

In the previous years, the students can take apart in an exam of the private school first, and then go the the public school if they lost. So it makes a lot of student choose the private school first, even if they can go to a good public school. All the parent think in the private school, their kids can learn more knowledge and they can have the chance to enter a good university.

In order to prevent good students choose the private school first, the government come up with a solution that the private and public school should to interview students on the same day. Because good private and public schools have limited resources, you don’t have a second choice. The government want to ensure all the school can recruit students. So it leads that each student has only one choice. If you lost in the private school’ s exam, you have to go to public schools that are not full of students.


Why is it more difficult to go to a good public school if you try to go to private school first? This seems harsh…

In China, good educational resources are limited whether public schools or private schools. The possibility of a person getting admitted to a good public school depends on where that person lives. This means  that you can apply only to a schools within your district.
The price for the house is so expensive now/The housing prices are so high, so many people have to work hard to/ in order to get their children into private schools.

In the previous years, the students were able to take apart in admission exam of the private school first, and then go to a public school if they failed. So this made a lot of student to choose a private school first, even if they were able to go to a good public school.  Most of the parents think that in a private schools, their kids can learn more knowledge and they can have better chance to enter a good university.

In order to prevent good students choosing a private school first, the government came up with a solution that both private and public schools should to interview students on the same day. Because good private and public schools have limited resources, you don’t have a second chance. The government wants/ed to ensure that all of the schools can recruit sufficient number of students. So it leads to that each student has only one chance. If you fail on the private school’ s exam, you have to go to a public school which still didn’t fulfill the quota-你必须去一所还没有完成配额的公立学校


take apart something (v)-to separate the parts of something so that they are not together:
E.g.: I like to take things apart to see how they work.

take part in something-to be actively involved in something with other people:
E.g.: All the children took part in the Thanksgiving play.

they wanted to have a greater possibility of getting admitted to a good school-他们希望能有更大的机会考上一所好学校。

sufficient (adj): 1-enough for a particular purpose
E.g.: This recipe should be sufficient for five people.
E.g.: Did you have sufficient time to do the work?
E.g.: I hope we have sufficient people to do the job.

loan(n):1-an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing
E.g.: She’s trying to get a $50,000 loan to start her own business.
E.g.: We could apply for/take out a loan to buy a car.

How much interest 利息 are you paying on the loan? I’m paying 4%.

quota (n):a fixed, limited amount or number that is officially allowed
E.g.: The country now has a quota on immigration.
E.g.: The class contains the usual quota (= number) of troublemakers.

quotation (n): 1-the price that a person or company says they will charge to do a piece of work
E.g.: We decided to go with the lowest quotation.
E.g.: You need to get a written quotation before they start work.