F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Writing exercise

Writing 1
More and more people have beauty surgery to look like their selfies. How do you think filters are gonna change the sense of aesthetic of our children.

Nowadays many people like using filters on their photos to make them look nicer. I admit that sometimes I use filters on my selfies to make me look better, though not in a high intensity. However, there is a trend in China that many young girls look quite similar to each other, especially on their photos: big eyes, red mouth, white skin and very thin, which shows that they have the same sense of aesthetic.
In my opinion, although the filter is a good invention, we would better not abuse it because it may affect children’s sense of aesthetics. They would think beauty has some artificial standards, but the truth is nature is beautiful, and diversification is good. Sometimes we admire the era when the filter was not invented, because at that time, gorgeous ladies such as LIN Qingxia and ZHAO Yazhi were real beautiful. However these days, some girls look pretty on photos, when you see real people, they don’t look that nice.
As a result, we would better use filters less, and tell our children to accept imperfections of ourselves and embrace the natural beauty, otherwise our world would become very boring.

Writing 1
More and more people have beauty surgery to look like their selfies. How do you think filters are gonna change the sense of aesthetic of our children.

Nowadays many people like using filters on their photos to make them look nicer. I admit that sometimes I use filters on my selfies to make me look better, though not in a high intensity. However, there is a trend in China that many young girls look quite similar to each other, especially on their photos: big eyes, red mouth, fair skin and very thin, which shows that they have the same sense of aesthetic.
In my opinion, although the filter is a good invention, we would better not abuse it because it may affect children’s sense of aesthetics. They could think that beauty has some artificial standards, but the truth is that the nature is beautiful, and diversity is good. Sometimes we admire the era before the filters were not invented/Sometimes we admire the pre-filter era , because at that time, gorgeous ladies such as LIN Qingxia and ZHAO Yazhi were real beauties. However these days, some girls look pretty on photos, but when you see the real people/face to face, they don’t look that nice.
because of above mentioned , we should better use filters less, and tell our children to accept our imperfections and embrace the natural beauty, otherwise our world would/will/could become very boring.


E.g.: 1-(of skin) pale, or (of hair) pale yellow or gold(皮肤)白皙的;(头发)浅黄的,金色的
E.g.: She’s got E.g.: hair and blue eyes.
E.g.: a E.g.: complexion
E.g.: All my family are E.g.: -skinned.

cringe (v): 1-to feel very embarrassed
E.g.: I cringed at the sight of my dad dancing.

compilation (n): 1-a book, CD, etc. that has been made from several separate parts(书、光盘等的)汇编,辑,集
E.g. : a compilation of their greatest hits

compile (v)

pre-(prefix):before (a time or an event)
E.g. : a pre-flight check
E.g. : a pre-lunch drink
E.g. : pre-industrial societies

Ass kisser/licker
a person who sucks up to people in a position of authority in order to get some kind of reward or perks
E.g. : My co-worker Josh is such an ass kisser.

The stereotype of a book smart person is someone who is upper-class and well educated but less knowledgeable when it comes to handling important situations faced in bad neighborhoods and lower-class city areas (a.k.a. the streets). However, the stereotype of a street smart person is someone who is intelligent and knows how to handle important situations in the streets but is not as well-educated academically.
The more extreme and negative stereotypes are that book smart people are naive, easily manipulated, and have bad judgment in bad situations, while street smart people are unintelligent and incapable of achieving a higher education.
