F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


balcony-阳台, a platform that is built on the upstairs outside wall of a building, with a wall or rail around it.
E.g.: You can get out onto a balcony from an upstairs room.

square meter-平方米 

used with units of measurement of length to express the total size of an area面积总面积:

E.g.: The floor is 3 m wide (宽的) by 5 m long (长的), so its total area (总面积为) is 15 sq m.

study (room) 书房, a room, especially in a house, used for quiet work such as reading or writing

go upstairs/go downstairs

working on her computer/typing on her computer

typing (n): 打字the activity of pressing keys on a computer or typewriter keyboard in order to produce letters or numbers on paper:
E.g.: I need you to do some typing for me.
E.g.: My typing speed is 55 words per minute.-我的打字速度是每分钟55字。
E.g.: a typing error/mistake

at her desk-在她的桌子旁

Writing exercise

My home

My home is very nice, my home have 3 floors, there are four people living there and you can open the front door and you can see a hallway, next to hall you can see my aunt is cook dinner in the kitchen. When you go upstairs you can see my mother sitting working on her computer in her study(room), and I’m doing homework in my study room.  On the 3rd floor you can see some flowers in there and have a KTV. My dad is watering the flowers .

My home is very nice, it got 3 floors, there are four people living there. When you can open the front door and you can see a hallway, next to the hallway you can see my aunt is cooking/preparing dinner in the kitchen. When you go upstairs you can see my mother sitting at her desk working on her computer in her home office, and I’m doing the homework in my study room.  On the 3rd floor you can see some flowers, up there we also have a KTV. Usually my dad is watering the flowers .