F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


polyp (n): 1-a small mass of cells that grows in the body, and is usually not harmful

cyst (n): a round mass growing just under the skin or deeper in the body, that contains liquid:
E.g.: He had a cyst removed from near his eye.
E.g.: He had a minor operation to remove a cyst.他做了个切除囊肿的小手术。



burp (v/n):  to allow air from the stomach to come out through the mouth in a noisy way
E..g: When someone burps, they make a noise because air from their stomach has been forced up through their throat.
E.g.: Charlie burped loudly.

biopsy (n)-活检, the process of removing and examining a small amount of tissue from a sick person, in order to discover more about their illness:
E..g: a tissue biopsy

local anesthesia-局部麻醉

total anesthesia-全麻醉

symptom (n)症状, any feeling/sign of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease:
E.g.: He’s complaining of all the usual flu symptoms – a high temperature, headache, and so on.


anesthesia -/ˌæn.əsˈθiː.zi.ə/

Writing exercise

Yesterday I took my son to studied piano. My son was inattention during the class. When teacher need my son point “do”, my son point “re”.
My son’s piano teacher is a good teacher, She found some my son’s behavior mistake and then given me some methods.
She taught me, when I want to give an review for my son, I need change my roles. I need to be another person, can be his class teacher or can be his sports teacher, and make my son’s attention focused in this review period.
Actually, when teacher said my son inattention during the class, I feel a little shame. I feel like I didn’t do my job very well. child is a clean paper, you can make he can be what you want.
I know, there are many reasons can change a people and study environment is very important, but when my son want to play his guns, my heart just being soft. So let him do what he want.

Yesterday I took my son to studied a piano lesson. My son was inattentive (adj) during the class. When a teacher asked  my son to  point “do”, my son pointed “re”.
My son’s piano teacher is a good teacher, She found some mistakes  in my son’s behavior mistake and then gave me some methods.tips on how to direct his attention in the right way.
She taught me that, when I want to give an review his last lesson for my son with him, I need to change my roles. I need to be another person,  I can pretend to be his class teacher or to be his sports teacher, and in that way make my son’s attention focused during this review period/the review.
Actually, when teacher told about my son‘s inattention (n) during the class, I felt a little bit ashamed(adj)/I felt shame (n). I felt like if I didn’t do my job of a parent/as a parent  very well. A child is a clean sheet of paper,and you can help him  achieve anything.
I know that parent’s dedication can effectively help a child grow as a person, also study environment is very important. Still when my son wants to play with his guns/toys, my heart just turns/becomes soft. So I let him do whatever he wants to do.