F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


haircut (n): the style in which someone’s hair is cut, or an occasion of cutting the hair:
E.g.: She has a really awful haircut.
E.g.: I wish he’d get/have a haircut.

proverb (n): 1-a short statement, usually known by many people for a long time, that gives advice or expresses some common truth:
E.g.: A Chinese proverb says that the longest journey begins with a single step.

couple of (n): two or a few things that are similar or the same, or two or a few people who are in some way connected:
E.g.: The doctor said my leg should be better in a couple of days.
E.g.: A couple of people objected to the proposal, but the vast majority approved of it.
E.g.: We’ll have to wait another couple of hours for the paint to dry.


In order to- in order to + infinitive form of a verb = express the purpose of something

I’m saving money in order to buy a new camera.
In order to buy a new camera I have to save a lot of money.

They WERE asking if WE COULD have a lunch together
They were asking if we are having a lunch together


Have you been to an ice rink?-meaning-Have you ever been to any ice rink? (an doesn’t make the noun ice rink specific)

Have you been to the ice rink? meaning-The speaker and listener know the ice rink which is being referred to (e.g. the one in their town/the local one). The makes the noun ice rink specific.

In speaking, we use a /ə/ before a consonant sound:a car a house a big truck a wheel a grey day

Some words that begin with a vowel letter in writing have a consonant sound:

/ə ju:ˈnaɪtɪd …/ /ə ju:niˈvɜ:sɪti/ /ə wʌn …/a united group a university a one-year-old child

We use an /ən/ before a vowel sound:-an apple an old shoe an orchestra an umbrella

Some words that begin with a consonant letter in writing have a vowel sound:

/ən aʊə(r)/ an hour

/ən empi:θri: …/ an MP3 player

Writing exercise

I return to the University, this time for to take classes of listening and speaking Chinese, I have to practice the Chinese words that I have learned so far. I have gone to the university for 3 semesters, I did my homework every day, and I spend a lot of time in that, but it does not improve, I have practiced it very little. my big problem that I’m very shameful and I would don’t like that people laugh if I speaking wrong.

This time I have returned to the University, in order to take classes in listening and speaking Chinese, I have to practice the Chinese words that I have learned so far. I have gone to the university for 3 semesters, I did my homework every day, and I spent a lot of time doing that, but my Chinese didn’t improve, I haven’t practiced it enough. The biggest issue/one of the biggest problems is that I’m very shy and I would don’t like when people laugh if I’m speaking wrong making mistakes