F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


coastal (adj):positioned on, or relating to the coast:
E.g.: a coastal town

deserted (adj): 1-If a place is deserted, there are no people in it:
E.g.: a deserted building/street
E.g.: The coastal resorts are deserted in winter.

overrun (v): 1-If unwanted people or things overrun, they fill a place quickly and in large numbers:
E.g.: Many coastal cities are overrun with tourists.
E.g.: Our kitchen is overrun with cockroaches.

nutrient (n): 1-any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow:
E.g.: It’s good soil – full of nutrients.
E.g.: A healthy diet should provide all your essential nutrients.


usually -/ˈjuː.ʒu.ə.li/

Writing exercise

Author asserts that taking small dose of aspirin every day for a health person will not that good and even do some harm on one’s healthy. The author takes two studies making this conclusion, which contains long time researches from drug company and university.
I agree with the author that to take a small amount of aspirin every day is do more harm than good for a health person. Firstly, the studies which author describes contains experiments involving thousands of people and taking long time. Results of study show that taking aspirin shows no improvement of health for those who did not have a heart problem. Furthermore, the results also point out that health person taking small dose of aspirin everyday will also increase a risk of major bleeding.
From my point of view, every drug has its own side effects. One should take drug when you really need it and not to take them to prevent some potential problems. Everyone wants to be in good health. The best way to keep health is eat smart and exercise smart. Healthy food provides you enough nutrition and energy. Keep to do exercise and live a balance life takes you strong body and good mood.

Author asserts that taking small doses of aspirin every day for a healthy person will not bring any benefit that good and will even do some harm to one’s healthy. The author took two studies in consideration when/while making this conclusion, both of which contain long-term research both from a drug company and university.
I agree with the author that to take a small amount of aspirin every day is going to do more harm than good for health of a person. Firstly, the studies which author describes contains experiments/clinical studies/ trials involving thousands of people and taking long time to finish. Results of the study show that taking aspirin gives no benefit to the health of the people without pre-existing heart conditions. Furthermore, the results also point out that a healthy person taking small dose of aspirin everyday will also increase a risk of major bleeding.
From my point of view, every drug has its own side effects. One should take drug when you really need it/when necessary   and not to take them in order to prevent some potential problems. One should take a drug only if required by failing health and not as a preventative measure. Everyone wants to be in good health. The best way to keep our health is to eat smart and exercise smart. Healthy food provides you with enough nutrition and energy. Keep to do exercise and live a balanced life it will give you strong body and good mood.