F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S/W]


bimonthly (adj): 1-happening or appearing every two months or twice a month两月一次的;一月两次的
E.g.: a bimonthly publication/report
E.g.: The magazine is published bimonthly, with six issues a year.

parachute (n): 1-a piece of equipment made of a large piece of special cloth that is fastened to a person or thing that is dropped from an aircraft, in order to make him, her, or it fall slowly and safely to the ground


sightseeing (n): 1-the activity of visiting interesting places, especially by people on holiday观光,游览
E.g.: We did some sightseeing in Paris.

staple (adj): 1-basic or main; standard or regular基本的,主要的;标准的,常规的
E.g.: The staple diet here is mutton, fish and boiled potatoes.
E.g.: Prices of staple foods such as wheat and vegetables have also been increasing.

diner (n): 1-in the US, a small informal and inexpensive restaurant, often at the side of the road(美国的)路边小餐馆

savory (adj): 1-Savory food is salty or spicy and not sweet in taste.咸的;辛辣的
E.g.: a savory dish/sauce/flavour
E.g.: savory dumplings/pancakes
E.g.: A pie can be sweet or savory.

clueless (adj):having no knowledge of something, or of things in general无线索的;一无所知的;一窍不通的
E.g.: Most people are completely clueless about tide directions and weather conditions.

Speaking exercise

I went to Nepal with my husband for tracking, actually my husband likes tracking a lot. Trecking was a new thing for me, at first I was a bit scared because it seems dangerous. When we arrived thaere I was excited, and enjoyed the nature. The most exciting thing was paragliding, we went to Pokhara, we climbed the mountain and waited good weather conditions. My tutor and I run and jumped down the mountain and we flied. I was so excited and I saw an eagle flying beside me.

I went to Nepal with my husband for tracking, actually my husband likes trekking a lot. Trekking was a new thing for me, at first I was a bit scared because it seemed (quite) dangerous. Once we arrived there I was excited, and enjoyed the nature. The most exciting thing was paragliding, we went to Pokhara, we climbed the mountain and waited for good weather conditions. My coach and I run and jumped down the mountain and we flew, I was so excited and I saw an eagle flying beside me.


Writing exercise

Sentence Writingnot only…but also…Tom is a talented guy. Not only can he play the piano well but also he is good at painting.analysisQuantitative analysis is widely used in chemical research.includeNow mobile phones have many functions, including making phone calls, taking pictures, surfing the internet, and so on.disturbMary couldn’t concentrate on her reading because her little brother kept disturbing her.past simple & past perfectJohn lived in Beijing in 2018. Before that, he had lived in Shanghai for 10 years.