F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


ascent noun (TO HIGHER POSITION)the fact of starting to become successful
E.g.: His ascent to power was rapid and unexpected.

ghetto (n): an area of a city, especially a very poor area, where people of a particular race or religion live closely together and apart from other people
E.g.: As a child she lived in one of New York’s poorest ghettos.
E.g.: to live in ghetto conditions
2-in the past, an area of a city where Jews were made to live

gourmet (adj): (of food) very high quality
E.g.: gourmet coffee
E.g.: a gourmet meal
2-producing or serving food that is very high quality
E.g.: a gourmet restaurant
E.g.: a gourmet chef

fine (adj): excellent or much better than average
E.g.: purveyors (供应商) of fine wines and gourmet food
E.g.: This building is the finest example of its type.
E.g.: The painting is regarded as an exceptionally fine portrait (画像;人像照片)./ˈpɔːr.trɪt/
E.g.: The museum has a fine collection of valuable glass.

tempo (n): the speed at which an event happens
E.g.: We’re going to have to up the tempo (= work faster) if we want to finish on time.
2-MUSIC specialized
the speed at which a piece of music is played
E.g.: a change in tempo


life goals
income target/goal

aim to(v)目标
E.g.: I’m aiming to finish my studies this year
E.g.: We should always aim for perfection.

have time on hands
have time on (one’s) hands
To have extra or spare time in which one has nothing specific to do or accomplish.
I’ll have a bit more time on my hands now that we’ve finished the year-end audit.
Our kids had too much time on their hands last summer break, so we decided to enroll them in a few different summer camps to keep them occupied.

have (too much) time on one’s hands
Fig. to have extra time; to have time to spare.
E.g.: Your problem is that you have too much time on your hands. I don’t have time on my hands. I am busy all the time.

Speaking exercise

Next month, I will go to Japan, so I need to advise about English sentence, I can’t speak fluently. Later on 2 months, I have lots of travel plans. I’m busy in the whole year. I heard about the colleagues told me, in Fuzhou there are lots of delicious food like seafood, and not a lot of people. I try to modify my life beat.

Next month, I will go to Japan, so I need some advise about building sentences in English, I can’t speak fluently. Later on 2 months, I have a lots of travel plans for later on/ Later on I’m planing to travel a lot. I’m busy during the whole year. I heard from couple of  colleagues told me,that in Fuzhou there’s a lot of delicious food like seafood, and not a lot of people. I’ll try to change the tempo of my life.