F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

Speaking exercise

Buzz Lightyear

Buzzlight Year he looked around in the universe every night and he needed to report the situation to Chinese  thunder god on the next planet there was a lot of strange creatures they had thee eyes two mouth and on the head they had tentacles. The Buzz need to confirm where were they come from and what they wanted to do. They wanted to make a little war on the next planet. And they had a leader a bad boy call Rich and he gathered the small creatures to against the Earth.

Buzz Lightyear

Buzz Lightyear he looked/patrolled around in the universe every night and he needed to report the situation to Chinese  thunder god. On the next planet there were a lot of strange creatures they had three eyes two mouth and on the head they had tentacles. The Buzz need to confirm where did they come from and what they wanted to do/what were their intentions. Actually, They wanted to start a little war on the next planet. And they had a leader, a bad boy called Rich and he gathered the forces of  the small creatures in order to attack the Earth.

These small creatures prepared over one hundred spaceships, spaceships full of deadly weapons to attack the Earth. The people of Earth were very peaceful at this moment they didn’t know that war was about to start.


tentacle (n):one of the long, thin parts like arms of some sea animals, used for feeling and holding things, catching food, or moving(海洋动物的)触手,触角

patrol (v ):(especially of soldiers or the police) to go around an area or a building to see if there is any trouble or danger
E.g.: The whole town is patrolled by police because of the possibility of riots.
E.g.: A security guard with a dog patrols the building site at night.

the forces (n):the forces [ plural ]
​the military organizations for air, land, and sea(海陆空三军)武装力量

force-a group of people
work force/police force

you should take the initiative-你应该主动

thunder god 雷神

universe (n)-宇宙,everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including all the stars, planets, galaxies, etc. in space宇宙;
E.g.: Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?


creature (n)any large or small living thing that can move independently
E.g.: Rainforests are filled with amazing creatures.

The unicorn is a mythical creature.
The film was about creatures from outer space.