F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


focus (sth) on sb/sth (v)to give a lot of attention to one particular person, subject, or thing
E.g.: Tonight’s program focuses on the way that homelessness affects the young.
E.g.: When the kitchen is finished I’m going to focus my attention on the back yard and get that straightened out.

popular (adj):liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people
E.g.: She’s the most popular teacher in school.
E.g.: That song was popular with people from my father’s generation.


young people’s passions-年轻人的激情

novel (n):a long printed story about imaginary characters and events
E.g.: a paperback novel
E.g.: historical/romantic novels
E.g.: Have you read any of Jane Austen’s novels?

this is a novel adaptation-这是一部改编的小说

In order to win the championship-为了获得冠军

in order (for sb/sth) to do sth (also in order that sth)-with the aim of achieving something
E.g.: He came home early in order to see the kids before they went to bed.




Speaking exercise

Recently I like to watch one popular Tv drama。The show is about love and friendship, about young people’s passions. This is a Chinese TV show。In this show everyone do their best in order to win the competition. this is a novel adaptation. This show look very  relaxed and fun. The main actor is famous, I very like his other TV shows. His name is Li Xian. He is very cool and warm person. Him and his friends together go to the competition. There are 41 episodes, every episode is 40min. I watch on TV at night. My friends also like this TV Show, we are often talk this show.

Recently I like to watch one popular Tv drama。The show is about love and friendship, about young people’s passions. This is a Chinese TV show。In this show everyone does/is doing their best in order to win the competition. this is a novel adaptation. This show looks very  relaxed and fun. The main actor is famous, I very like his other TV shows very much. His name is Li Xian. He is a very cool and warm person. Him and his friends together go to the competition. There are 41 episodes, every episode is 40min long. I watch it on TV at night. My friends also like this TV Show, we are often talk about this show.