F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


recite (v):背诵to say a piece of writing aloud from memory:
E.g.: He was nervous about reciting in front of the class.
E.g.: The children recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning.

strawberry generation-草莓一代-like the Post-80s of China, could be the Asian counterpart of the Millennials or the so-called Snowflake generation in the Western world

Speaking exercise

During my childhood the teacher is very respected by students and parents, at theat time teacher was very responsible for the students and they try to teach them by themselves, no need for parents to work with children. I think that most of the teachers are respected nowadays, the difference is that now parents need to spend a lot of time with children doing homework, and they should take part in many activities. So, because of this the parents thought their child could get more advantages from the school, and if their child get hurt/injured or feel unhappy at the school the parents should take it important, but I think it’s not totally bad things, and the conscious of the law become common in present the present day society. So if the parents think it is illegal so they should have talk with school to protect their child

During my childhood the teachers were very respected both by students and their parents. At that time, teachers were very responsible for the students and they tried their best to teach them by themselves, there was  no need for parents to study with children after school. I think that most of the teachers are respected even nowadays, the main difference is that now, parents need to spend a lot of time with children doing their homework, also they should take part in many activities. So, because of this the parents believe that their child could get more advantages from the school, and if their child gets hurt/injured or if a child feels unhappy at the school parents pay attention to it. But I don’t think that everything is bad , the awareness of the law is becoming  common in the present day society parents are aware of the laws and they know how to protect themself and their kids . So if parents think that something is not right or just so they should have a talk with  the school in order to protect their child