F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


E.g.: a fig tree无花果树

sand (n)沙子, a thing that consists of very small grains of rock, found on beaches and in deserts:
E.g.: a grain of sand
E.g.: The children played all day in/on the sand.

I love to build a sand castle and then destroy it我喜欢建造一座沙堡然后摧毁它


who are the main characters of your story你的故事主要人物是谁?
Main characters of my story are James and me

Where does the story take place?这个故事发生在哪里?
This story takes place in a hotel, this hotel is in Shanghai and the hotel is very big and nice

when does the story take place?-这个故事什么时候发生?
The story takes place on Friday from 3pm to 8pm .

E.g.: I thought of naming my dog Juju.

future tense-将来时

Simple Future Tense

It will snow tomorrow.
I will watch television tonight.
I will visit my cousin later


Beijing opera-京剧
E.g.: I love Beijing opera because it is really nice and beautiful.

E.g.: I’ve got many relatives, most of my relatives live in Shanghai Hangzhou and Shaoxing

performance  (n)-表演
E.g.: On my friends’ birthday we watched many different performances

sweaty (adj)-汗流浃背
E.g.: After running for a long time I became sweaty.


Fat meat-肥肉
E.g.: I love to eat fat meat because it’s really juicy


Today the sun is shining, the birds are singing it’s a fine day and I remember today is my friends’ birthday. After school I am go to his birthday party. I went to their and I see my friend is playing basketball and I play with him and then we eat ice cream and we eat dinner. For dinned we eat 薯条, 糖醋小排…… We see many 表演 like京剧。 there was 101 guests , they were his relatives. We played many games together with our classmates, this game is a run game. I go home at 8pm.

This was a nice day and I had a lot of fun, I want every day I can play like this.

Today the sun is shining, the birds are singing, it’s a fine day and I remembered that today is my friends‘ birthday. After the school I went to his birthday party. I went there and I saw my friend is playing basketball and I played with him after that we had some ice cream and we ate  dinner. For dinner we ate French fries, sweet and sour ribs…… We watched many plays like Beijing opera. there were 101 guests , they were his relatives. We played many games together with our classmates, one of the games was a  run game. I went home at 8pm.

This was a nice day and I had a lot of fun, I wish that every day I could play like this.