F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


top (n): 1 highest part of something
E.g.: She waited for me at the top of the stairs.
E.g.: There were flags on the tops of many of the buildings.
E.g.: Their house is on the top of a hill.

bottom (n): 1- the lowest part of something:
sea bottom-海底

deep (adj): going or being a long way down from the top or surface, or being of a particular distance from the top to the bottom:
E.g.: The water’s not deep here – look, I can touch the bottom.
E.g.: The water’s only ankle/knee/waist-deep (踝/膝/腰深), so we’ll be able to get across the river easily.

shallow  (adj): 1- having only a short distance from the top to the bottom:
E>g.: The river is shallow here, we can cross it on foot.
E.g.: The water was shallow so the kids were perfectly safe.

take a gun-拿起枪

treasure-金银财宝, very valuable things, usually in the form of a store of precious metals, precious stones, or money:
E.g.: They’re diving for sunken treasure.

dive (v): 1-潜水, to swim underwater wearing breathing equipment, collecting or looking at things


Shot the pig *

Speaking exercise

Long long long time ago one there was a boy his name is BUBU and he want eat a pig, he take a bun, he shoot a pig and he go to house eat the pig, he cut the pig and he barbecued the pig and he eat the pig. The pig was so yummy, and the boy was very happy

Long long long time ago one there was a boy his name was BUBU and he wanted to eat a pig, he took  a gun, he shoot a pig and he went to his house to eat the pig, he cut the pig and he barbecued the pig and he ate the pig. The pig was so yummy, and the boy was very happy