F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

I forgot his English name-我忘记了他的文

E.g.: Don’t forget to bring your pencil case

fence (n):栅栏

E.g.: The house was surrounded by a tall fence.

cloud (n): 云

E.g.: The sun went behind a cloud


So scary-好吓人

Road sign-路牌

E.g.: Road signs are easy to see.


Toll Gate

Speaking exercise

On the mountain there don’t have many house, have many grassland, my dad car is on the mountain, the mountain is very tall. On the mountain the road is very around-歪歪扭扭的. the mountain road don’t have fence so it’s very scary。 My father come out to see under。 Maybe on the mountain have many road signs.

There are no that many houses on the mountain, but it has a lot of grassland. My dad was driving his car on the mountain, the mountain is very tall. The mountain roads are very crooked/twisted, and the roads don’t have any fence so it’s very scary. My father came out of the car to look down the mountain. Maybe there are  a many road signs on the mountain