F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


build (v): to make something by putting bricks or other materials together:
E.g.: They’re building new houses by the river.
E.g.: The birds built their nest in the tree.

careful (adj) -仔细的
E.g.: Be careful with the glasses.
E.g.: Be careful to look both ways when you cross the road.

E.g.: cars got four wheels

empty (adj): 1-not containing any things or people:
E.g.: an empty house/street
E.g.: The bottle is empty

full (adj)- containing a lot of things or people or a lot of something:
E.g.: This cup is very full so be careful with it.
E.g.: Don’t talk with your mouth full!

km/h-kilometers per hour

We’re done!=We finished-If something is done, or you are done with it, it is finished, or you have finished doing, using it, etc.:

Speaking exercise

The very fast car is 300kmh, the fast speed car can go on the mountain and he can going on the grassland. Speed car have one color have red, have yellow have black. I don’t want to buy the speed car, I want to buy a bicycle because I can ride a bike but I can’t drive a car. I like buy white or black bicycle, because I like black and white color.  I like to ride very fast, I don’t know how many kilometers per hour.

The fastest cars can go 300 kilometers per hour/300kmh, they can go on the mountain and in the grassland. Speed cars come in many colors, some are red, some are yellow and some are black. I don’t want to buy the speed car, I want to buy a bicycle because I can ride a bike but I can’t drive a car. I would like to buy white of black bicycle, because I like black and white color. I like to ride very fast, I don’t know how many kilometers per hour km/h