F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


melt (v)-熔化, to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid, or to cause something to do this:
E.g.: The snow usually melts by mid March.
E.g.: Melt the chocolate slowly so that it doesn’t burn.

What year were you born?
I was born in 2009.

Relatives-亲戚人,  a member of your family:
E.g.: There weren’t many people at the birthday – just close family relatives.
E.g.: All her close/distant relatives came to the wedding.

E.g.: Commander Phillips/James Phillips

2019 will be the 70th anniversary of the new China

anniversary-周年纪念, the day on which an important event happened in a previous year:
E.g.: It was their 25th wedding anniversary last week.

E.g.: I have a big scar on my elbow.


on the Moon

I hit my head

Speaking exercise

On my birthday I can have many many classmates and many many 亲戚人 and kindergarten friends, they come to my home. in the morning we play together, we play many fun games gun, rich and poor… In afternoon we eat yummy pizza, hamburgers and fried chicken, after we 当军人 and I am 司令

On my birthday I can have over many classmates, relatives and kindergarten friends, they come to my home. In the morning we play together, we play many fun games gun, rich and poor… In the afternoon we eat yummy pizza, hamburgers and fried chicken, after we play soldiers and I am the commander