F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


Winter vacation-寒假
During the last Winter vacation I went to America to visit my grandparents

clever (adj):聪明
E.g.: My grandma is clever

move (v): 1-to go to a different place to live or work:
E.g.: We’re moving to Paris.
E.g.: My grandparents moved to America.

kind (adj):1善良
E.g.: My grandparents are very kind people.

brave (adj)勇敢的,  showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things:
E.g.: My grandfather is very brave.

When were you born?
I was born in 2009.
2009.-two thousand nine/twenty o’nine

Now is 2018. two thousand eighteen/twenty eighteen


One person – one sentence

Speaking exercise

My grandmother is clever and good  she is 62 years old. When I go to her she makes a fruit cake and other food. She can run and skip, she likes to watch TV. My grandpa is kind brave and strong, he is 63 years old. He buys some chocolate for me, I love them a lot. I read a book to them. My mother’s mother and father live in America, they moved there  in 2011.