F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [W]


one by one– separately, one after the other:
E.g.: They entered the room one by one.

one-on-one-A one-on-one activity involves two people talking directly, usually with one teaching or giving information to the other:
E.g.: Each employee has a one-on-one performance review with his or her boss.

it’s a fashion way to have a class-it’s a popular/fashionable way of having a class

it’s convenient 

hold someone’s attention-Fig. to keep someone’s attention; to keep someone interested.
E.g.: The boring teacher could not hold the students’ attention.
E.g.: The mystery novel held my attention and I couldn’t put it down.

capture someone’s attentionalso capture someone’s imagination-to interest someone:
E.g.: Most of the textbooks we looked at were too dull to capture students’ attention.

dull (adj)-not sharp, stupid, boring, continuous-not sharp pain
E.g.: Those books seem rather dull beside this one.-boring
E.g.: She felt a dull ache at the back of her head.-pain
E.g.: He’s a dull person. boring/stupid
E.g.: All my knives are dull.-not sharp

fashionable (adj): 1-popular at a particular time:
E.g.: a fashionable nightclub/restaurant
E.g.: fashionable ideas/clothes
E.g.: It’s not fashionable to wear short skirts at the moment.-

online offline 

synchronized -同步的

lazy eye-弱视, an eye that does not see well because it is not used enough

 during my student time- during my student days -during the time I was a student

electrical network-电网络

Electronic network-电子网络

Writing exercise

Past golden week, I took my son to my home town. In my memory, country has farmlands everywhere, many large area of green or yellow. Even the air is so fresh and you can hear birds or roosters’ morning call, but I have a little tired of this. I have ten years to grow up in the country, I still love my hometown very much, I hope my hometown can be better and better. But now I lived in city for twenty years. Now I get used to live in city, I didn’t want to live in country again, except to enjoy some days holiday. When I keep away from electric network, I will feel uncomfortable. When I can’t take a good bath, I will feel uncomfortable.

Past golden week, I took my son to my home town. In my memory, country has farmlands everywhere, many large areas of green or/and yellow. Even the air is so fresh and you can hear birds or roosters’ morning call, but I have became a little tired of this. I had ten years to grow up in the country/ I’ve lived in the country for 10 years growing up, I still love my hometown very much and I hope my hometown can be better and better. But now it’s been twenty years since I moved to the city/But now I have been living in the city for 20 years.  Now I’m used to the city life, I didn’t want to live in  the country again, except to enjoy the countryside from time to time during some days holidays. When I’m away from the internet connection, I will feel uncomfortable/ If I’m not able to connect to the internet for extended period of time  I will start feeling uncomfortable.  the same applies if I can’t  take a good bath., I will feel uncomfortable.