F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [W]


commute (v): to make the same journey regularly between work and home:
E.g.: It’s exhausting commuting from Shanghai to Suzhou every day.
E.g.: She commutes to the city by car every day.

indulge (v): to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you:
E.g.: I love to sleep but I don’t often indulge myself.

parachute (n): 1-降落伞, a device that is attached to people or objects to make them fall slowly and safely when they are dropped from an aircraft.
E.g.: Planes dropped supplies by parachute.
E.g.: a parachute drop/jump

diving (n): 1-an activity in which people jump head first into water, or move down under the water with special breathing equipment:
E.g.: deep-sea diving

lifeguard (n): 1-救生员, a person who is employed at a beach or a swimming pool to rescue people who are in danger in the water
E.g. : I applied for a job as a lifeguard at the community pool.

Writing exercise

I don’t think it is necessary for swimming to learn. If I want to play some aquatic projects, I can put on a swim ring or a life jacket, which can protect my safety. The swimming pool is a public place, everyone can go to there. Although the swimming pool is cleaned regularly, I still feel it is dirty. When you swim, you will spit out the water from your mouth. So I can’t endure I swim with the saliva of others. I don’t like the feeling of wetness and I also don’t like to touch with strangers, especially people wear too little in the swimming pool. If I am the only one in the swimming pool, I might consider it.

I don’t think it is necessary for swimming for a person to learn how to swim. If I want to play some aquatic projects enjoy in water activities/ take part in some water activities, I can put on a swim ring or a life jacket, which will protect my safety. The swimming pool is a public place, everyone can go to there. Although, the swimming pool is cleaned regularly, I still feel it is dirty. When you swim, you will spit out the water from your mouth. So, I can’t endure that I swim in other people’s saliva. I don’t like the feeling of wetness and I also don’t like to touch with strangers, especially with people wearing too little clothes in the swimming pool. If I am the only one in the swimming pool, I might consider doing it/learning how to swim.