F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [W]


Write 3 questions that your most scared of in an interview.



code of conduct-行动守则, a set of rules about how to behave and do business with other people:
E.g.: The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy

breach  (v): 1-to break a law, promise, agreement, or relationship:
E.g.: They breached the agreement they had made with their employer.

needy (adj): 1-wanting too much attention and love:
E.g.: My dog is very needy and cuddly

cuddle (v): 1-to put your arms around someone and hold him or her in a loving way, or of two people, to hold each other close for affection or comfort:
E.g.: She cuddled the baby in her arms.

promotion (n):a move to a more important job or rank in a company or an organization 提升,提拔,晋升
E.g.: She was recommended for promotion by her manager.

Writing exercise

My name is Thea and I was born in Shanghai. I am working in an environment protection company as an HR Supervisor. My job is to assist in developing the overall strategic human resource planning; drafting, revising, improving human resource management systems and work processes related;to be responsible for the overall management of the work of other base personnel and administrative matters; to review salary, bonus and so on. I come here to study English is to find a new job and travel. I hope that I can communicate with people in English with no difficulty in the future.
I have a dog and a cat and they often quarrel with each other. My dog is very gummy and jealous, we are not allowed to play with the cat. My dog usually chases my cat with a yell. However, I guess it may be because the cat bullied the dog during the period of our leaving home.
I would like to travel when I have some holidays, except that I like to stay at home. Maybe I am a boring person, but I really enjoy my current life so much. I have more time to do what I want to do.

My name is Thea and I was born in Shanghai. I am working in an environment protection company/ for an Environmental protection company as an HR Supervisor. My job is to assist in development of the overall human resources strategic planning; drafting, revising, improving human resource management systems and work related processes;to be responsible for the overall management of the work of other base personnel and administrative matters; to review salary, bonuses and so on. I come here to study English in order to find a new job and travel. I hope that I can communicate with people in English with no difficulty in the future/I hope that in the future I’ll be able to communicate with other people in English without any difficulties
I have a dog and a cat and they often quarrel with each other. My dog is very needy and jealous, we are not allowed to play with the cat while he’s around. My dog usually chases my cat barking. However, I guess it may be because the cat bullied the dog during the period of our absence/us being out of the home .
I would like to travel when I have some days off, except that I like to stay at home. Maybe I am a boring person, but I really enjoy my current life so much. I have more time to do what I want to do.