F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [W]


wet (adj): 1- covered in water or another liquid:
E.g.: a wet floor
E.g.: wet hair
E.g.: My bike got wet in the rain.

coward-胆小鬼,person who is not brave, is easily frightened, or tries to avoid danger or difficulties:
E.g.: He is a coward and a bully.
E.g.: A coward is someone who sends you a nasty letter without signing it.

opposite (adj): 1- completely different:
E.g.: You’d never know they’re sisters – they’re completely opposite to each other in every way.

chit-chat (n): 1-informal conversation about matters that are not important:
E.g.: “What did you talk about?” “Oh, just chit-chat.”

E.g.: My grandparents live in a village.

childhood (n)-童年, the time when someone is a child:
E.g.: She had a happy childhood.
E.g.: Childhood is not always a happy time.

grief (n)-very great sadness, especially at the death of someone:
E.g.: Her grief at her son’s death was terrible.

foot fetish-脚恋


open the TV-turn on the tv/turn the TV on
Shall I turn the TV on?
Please turn the TV on.
My friend prefers his XBox but I usually turn on the TV when I get home.

Writing exercise

Yesterday, there was a sad news in Shanghai. A man killed two children outside the school gate. Why an adult can do this on child? It’s incredible!
Although only six months in Shanghai but could not find a job? So he hated social hated lives unfair. But this animals behavior is can not be forgiven.
There are two poor innocent boys, originally they may enjoy there lives and enjoy their summer holiday. But now, they lost everything and their parents are stay in great pain over the death of their child.

Yesterday, there was a sad news in day for Shanghai. A man killed two children outside the school’s gate. Why an adult can would do this on to a child? It’s incredible!
Although only six months in Shanghai but could not find a job? So he hated social hated lives unfair The murderer have been in Shanghai for only 6 months and he couldn’t find any work, so he started hating society and he believed that life’s not fair. But this animals behavior is can not be forgiven– but still there’s no excuse for this animal behavior.
There are Two poor, innocent boys have died, the whole life was ahead of them and they were looking forward to enjoy their summer holidays. But now, they lost everything and their parents are stay left in great pain (grief) over the death of their children.