F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [W]


Use the words from today and write a short story about your favorite school subject


bathtub-浴缸, A bathtub, bath, or tub is a large or small container for holding water in which a person or animal may bathe

over (preposition) across from one side to the other, especially by going up and then down:
E.g.: She jumped over the gate.
E.g.: The road goes over the mountains, not through a tunnel.
E.g.: climb over the wall

ice cube-冰块

melt like a sugar-像糖一样融化

melt (v): 1-to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid,
E.g.: When the sun came out, the ice began to melt.

what is your favorite subject?
subject (n): an area of knowledge that is studied in school, college, or university:
E.g.: My favorite subjects at school are math and English.

grade/mark (n)a number or letter that shows how good someone’s work or performance is:
E.g.: Steve never studies, but he always gets good grades.
E.g.: Carla got a grade A in English.

shadow-阴影, an area of darkness, caused by light being blocked by something:
E.g.: The children were playing, jumping on each other’s shadows.

during the class-上课期间
E.g.: You’re not allowed to talk during the class.

My sister fell off skate board and she fractured her leg, this happened on a parking lot
she fractured her leg-她的腿骨折了。
parking lot-停车场

fracture (v)骨折-If something hard, such as a bone, fractures, or is fractured, it breaks or cracks:


Help me-帮我

E.g.: My favorite subjects at school were history and geography.


+ add, plus, to calculate the total of a group of numbers:
E.g.: If you add three and four you get seven. 3+4=7

subtract, take away, to subtract a number (= remove it from another number): minus
E.g.: If you take 4 (away) from 12 you get 8. 12-4=8

x- times,multiplied by:
E.g.: Two times two equals four (2 × 2 = 4).
E.g.: The area of a rectangle is its height times its width.

÷ divide, to calculate the number of times that one number fits (exactly) into another:
E.g.: 10 divided by 5 is/equals 2. 10÷5=2



Writing exercise

On May 1st,my grandmother gandfather aunt uncle and elder female cousin come to my home. I’m so happy. All of them have lunch together. There are so many fine food, we have a good time in the lunch .At afternoon ,I and sisiter play so happy. Adults chat each other with tea.

On May 1st,my grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle and two older female cousins came to my home. I was so happy. We all  had lunch together. There was so many fine food, we had a good time during lunch. In afternoon ,sister and I played together, we were so happy/It was so much fun. Adults were  chatting each other with over the tea.