F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [S]


蓝月谷-Blue Moon Valley

瀑布-Waterfall  (n)
E.g.: Just look at that waterfall! Isn’t it amazing?

wet (adj)-湿的, covered in water or another liquid:
E.g.: a wet floor -a wet umbrella
E.g.: wet hair
E.g.: My shoes got wet in the rain.


what do you want to become when you grow up? 你长大后想成为什么样的人?

I want to become a soldier!





On the 9th floor there’s a restaurant

On the 8th floor there’s salad bar


Speaking exercise

In the Yunan Lijiang I go Yulong Snowmountain and we are 3100 altitude, I breathe heavily but it’s ok, and here is so cool and go to 蓝月谷, here’s water is blue, so beautiful. My father give me camera and I took some photos and have many many waterfalls。 And waterfall’s water is on my t-shirt, shorts, shoes, I am wet. My hand is in the water, wow so cold, my hand is red, painful. And I and my father, we jumped  across the river 石头

In the Yunan Lijiang I went to Yulong Snowmountain and we were at 3100m altitude, I was breathing heavily but it was ok, and there was so cool. After that  We went to The Blue Moon Valley, here‘s water is blue, so beautiful. My father gave me a camera and I took some photos. There are many many waterfalls, waterfall’s water fell on my t-shirt, shorts, shoes, I got wet. I put My hand is in the water, wow it was so cold, my hand became red, painful. And I and my father, we jumped across the river over the stones