F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [S]


Roller Coaster-过山车

What do you want to build in the minecraft?

I want to build a roller coaster.

build (v): 1-to make a building, 建造

E.g.: With sword we fight against zombies

E.g.: You need a lighter if you want to start a fire.


E.g.: I’ll go to Hell for this.

We need a lighter so we could light up the portal, after we do this we can enter the Hell.

evil-邪恶的, bad, cruel, or very unpleasant:
E.g.: He’s an evil person

for free-免费
E.g.: Some minecraft skins are for free, but still they are cool.

Speaking exercise

I go into the minecraft world, there are many sheep, cows and pigs, we can make a bed, in the night there are many blackbox people and they can teleport and catch me. I want go to the hell and I like (being)  in it because there’s fun.