F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [S]


bureaucracy (n):a system for controlling or managing a country, company, or organization that is operated by a large number of officials employed to follow rules carefully
E.g.:I had to deal with the university’s bureaucracy when I was applying for financial aid.

bureaucrat (n): someone working in a bureaucracy
E.g.:It turned out she was one of those faceless bureaucrats who control our lives.

owner (n):  someone who owns something
E.g.: Are you the owner of this car?
E.g.:We still haven’t found the dog’s owner.

rugby (n)橄榄球
E.g.: Tom plays rugby every Saturday.

he reinvented himself-他重塑了自己

Speaking exercise

I watched a movie at home, The name of movie is “Weakness”. The story says , black man Michael, he is an orphan. He don’t like his foster family because they are bad for him. He always  escaping from foster family again and again, Certainly day he meet a woman and he found himself with her help. Finally he become a rugby player by himself. I think that some things are destine

I watched a movie at home, The name of the movie is “Weakness”. The story says , a black man Michael, he is an orphan. He don’t like his foster family because they are bad for him/to. He’s always  escaping from foster family again and again. One day he met a kind woman and he reinvented himself with her help. Finally he became a rugby player on his own. I think that some things are destined to happen


bureaucrat -/ˈbjʊr.ə.kræt/
