F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

I will go to cut my hair

I will go to get a haircut

afraid (adj):害怕的

I’ve never seen a shark-我从没见过鲨鱼

Japanese language is very complicated-日语很复杂

what’s your favorite place in Japan?你在日本最喜欢什么地方?
My favorite place/city is Okinawa.

visit (v):访问;拜访;看望;参观
to go to see a person or a place for a period of time
She went to visit cousins in Wales.
The Prime Minister is visiting Japan at the moment.
You should visit your doctor twice a year.

three times-三次。。。。
I travel to Japan twice a year.
I go to Hong Kong once a month
…a week/….a day
I should take the medicine twice a day, every 12 hours.

Speaking exercise

In Japan I like diving, I like watch fish swimming in the sea. after then go fish. When I catch a fish I cooking dinner, I like to cook but I can’t cook well. We go out to drink, I like to drink sake and beer and cocktails. It is very hard to speak with Japanese people because Japanese is very complicated. My favorite place/city is Okinawa I can dive in Okinawa.

In Japan I like to go diving, I like to watch fish swimming in the sea. after that I go fishing. When I catch a fish I cooking a dinner, I like to cook but I can’t cook well. We go out to drink, I like to drink sake, beer and cocktails. It is very hard to speak with Japanese people because Japanese language is very complicated. My favorite place/city is Okinawa because I can dive in Okinawa.