F2F Class Notes (Nemo)

切尔诺贝利   在人人视频


sequel (n):a book, film, or play that continues the story of a previous book, etc.(书、电影或戏剧的)续篇,续集
E.g.: I’m reading the sequel to “Gone with the Wind”.
E.g. : The latest Gozilla sequel was an absolute crap.

crap (n):something that is not worth anything, not useful, nonsense, or of bad quality
E.g.: I can’t believe she’s trying to pass off this crap as art!
E.g.: I’ve only read one novel by him and it was a load of crap.

abbreviation (n):a short form of a word or phrase缩略,缩写;简称
E.g.: “ITV” is the abbreviation for “Independent Television”.
ITV是Independent Television(独立电视台)的缩写。
E.g.: What does the abbreviation WHO stand for?
It stands for “World Health Organization”.

stands for something- If one or more letters stand for a word or name, they are the first letter or letters of that word or name and they represent it.
E.g.: GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time.
GMT 是 Greenwich Mean Time(格林尼治标准时间)的缩写。

entrance exam-入学考试
E.g.: The entrance exam includes math, logic and English.

online course-在线课程
E.g.: I’m thinking of taking an online course.