F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


European Union

bureaucratic (adj): 1-官僚的;官僚主义的
connected with a bureaucracy or bureaucrats and involving complicated official rules which may seem unnecessary
E.g.: bureaucratic power/control/procedures/organizations官僚权力 / 管理 / 程序 / 组织

mentality (n): 心态;思维方式
E.g.: Your mentality is your attitudes and your way of thinking.
E.g.: Beijing people have a special mentality.

sarcastic (adj): 1-using sarcasm
E.g.: a sarcastic comment/remark
E.g.: Are you being sarcastic?

nosy (adj): 1-too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them
E.g.: She was complaining about her nosy parents.

stick (one’s) nose in(to) (something)-To involve oneself in an intrusive or nosy manner into something that is not one’s business or responsibility.
E.g.: I wish my neighbors would quit sticking their noses in and just leave us alone!
E.g.:Liam, don’t stick your nose into your brother’s affairs—he can manage well enough on his own.