F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


clumsy (adj): 1-A clumsy person often has accidents because they do not behave in a careful, controlled way.
E.g.: That’s the third glass you’ve smashed this week – you’re so clumsy!
E.g.: My attempts to apologize were very clumsy (= not said well).

bet (v): 1-to risk money on the result of an event or a competition, such as a horse race, in the hope of winning more money
E.g.: He regularly goes to the races and bets heavily.
E.g.: I bet you $25 (that) I’ll get there before you.

an acquired taste-something that you dislike at first, but that you start to like after you have tried it a few times后天养成的嗜好;假以时日并多次尝试而喜欢上的东西
E.g.: Olives are an acquired taste.

coaster (n): 1-a small piece of wood, plastic, or other material that you put a glass or cup on to protect a surface from heat or liquid杯垫

a fine line-If you say that there is a fine line between one thing and another, you mean that they are very similar. You often say this when one thing is acceptable and the other is not.两者)有所不同
E.g.: As a parent, I knew that there was a fine line between panic and caution.
E.g.: There’s a fine line between kitsch and luxury

minimalism (n): 1- 极简风格
Minimalism is a style in which a small number of very simple things are used to create a particular effect.

clutter (n)(a lot of objects in) a state of being untidy
E.g.: Sorry about the clutter in the kitchen.
E.g.: My desk is covered in/full of clutter.
