F2F Class Notes (Nemo)

Heterosexual is really normal between man and a woman

Heterosexuality is a relationship between man and woman

I want to know Homosexual who is male or female.

I want to know which of homosexuals is top or bottom

I watched a movie that is a bisexual loved a boy and a girl at the same time.

I watched a movie in which there was a bisexual guy, he liked boys and girls at the same time.

My classmate who is a bilingual (went to Spain)

All of the factories need to use steam to( in order to) produce their product.

Before 2015, some small factories used coal  to  get  steam, which is more cheap than gas and fuel.

Before 2015.  some small factories used coal in order to produce steam, which is cheaper than steam generated by usage of gas and fuel.

Pharmaceutical company is one of the
high profit, because they have a lots of patents

Pharmaceutical companies are  in general companies with high profit, because they have a lots of patents.


which (pron): used as the subject or object of a verb to show what thing or things you are referring to, or to add information about the thing just mentioned. It is usually used for things, not people:
E.g.: These are principles which we all believe in.
E.g.: Is that the film in which he kills his mother?

singular (adj): 1-of or relating to the form of a word used when talking or writing about one thing:
E.g.: a singular ending/form/noun/verb
E.g.: The word “woman” is singular.
E.g.: The singular of ‘mice’ is ‘mouse’.

plural (adj): 1-of or relating to the form that expresses more than one:
E.g.: “Cattle” and “trousers” are both plural nouns.