F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


based on a true story– based on actual events

slang (n): 1-very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written, used especially by particular groups of people
E.g.: a slang expression
E.g.: “Chicken” is slang for someone who isn’t very brave.
chicken 是用来称呼胆小者的俚语。

spoiler (n):1-When someone reveals a previously unknown aspect of something which you likely would have rather learned on your own.
2-When you find out something about a movie, TV show, book, or video game that you wanted to find out on your own.
E.g.: “The following review contains spoilers!”
E.g.: Goddamn it I just saw Game of thrones spoilers!!

projector (n): 1-a device for showing films or images on a screen or other surface

To “have friends over” means to have friends visiting at your house. It can both apply if they’re spending the night or not.
Same applies to other variations of the expression “have people over”, “have guests over”, “have family over” or “have company over”.

company (n): 1-the fact of being with a person or people, or the person or people you are with
E.g.: I just enjoy his company.

accompany (v):to show someone how to get to somewhere
E.g. :Would you like me to accompany you to your room?
to go out together for fun-I have two tickets for the theatre on Saturday evening – would you like to accompany me?

He’s got a good eye for.…/details/fashion/
He has a good eye for interior decoration

have a (good) nose for something
Fig. to have the ability to sense or find something, such as news, trouble, gossip, etc.
She really has a nose for news. She’s a good reporter. Fred has a nose for gossip.

have a (good) head for something
to have a natural ability to do something well:
Kim has a head for numbers.

have an ear for (something)
To be particularly good at listening to and then repeating or understanding music, poetry, or foreign languages.
I’m not very good at writing it, but I have quite an ear for Japanese. My sister has an ear for classical music.

