F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [W]


How to improve relations between colleagues?


allocate (v): 1-~ sth (for sth) | ~ sth (to sb/sth) | ~ (sb/sth) sth拨…(给);划…(归);分配…(给)to give sth officially to sb/sth for a particular purpose
E.g.: They intend to allocate more places to mature students this year.今年他们打算给成人学生提供更多的名额。
E.g.: A large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the library.已划拨了一大笔款子给图书馆购买新书。
E.g.: More resources are being allocated to the project.正在调拨更多的资源给这个项目

get to the bottom of sth-to discover the truth about a situation
E.g.: I’m not sure what is causing the problem, but I’m determined to get to the bottom of it. 我现在不能确定导致这个问题的原因是什么,不过我一定要弄个明白。

spur (v): 1-to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster
E.g.: Rising consumer sales have the effect of spurring the economy to faster growth. 消费的增长有刺激经济加速发展的作用。
E.g.: Spurred (on) by her early success, she went on to write four more novels in rapid succession. 受到之前成功的鼓励,她紧接着又连续写了4部小说。

from within-by the people who belong to an organization and not by people from outside it
If things are to change, the company must be reformed from within. 如果要改变现状,这家公司必须从内部进行改革。

inquire within. to ask questions of a person inside [some place, such as a store or office]. (Formula. On a sign posted outside.) “Help wanted. Inquire within,” read the sign on the door. If you want to apply, you must inquire within.

Writing exercise

The turnover rate is really high in the company, what should you do to keep the talents?
First I will do a research to find out why the turnover rate is really high in the company. It may be a resignation interview, a deep communication with existing staff, or a questionnaire. Find the root cause, we can solve it better. I also need to have a conversation with management to discuss what are their thoughts and how much are they willing to pay. (time ,money, resources)
To attract or retain talents, we must understand what are their demands. We have to spend time and patience to listen to their needs that in the depth of their heart. In order to stimulate their interest and enthusiasm in their work.
Gradually reduce negative things inside the company. It may be the salary and benefits is lower than other companies, the bad relationship between colleagues, no development prospect and so on.
We have to establish a competitive compensation, broad development prospect, perfect training system, standardized management, employee stock ownership plan, and make employees realize themselves-worth and have the same values as the company.. And the company can gather more talents.

The turnover rate is really high in the company, what should you do to keep the talents?

First I will do a research in order to find out why the company’ turnover rate is this high. This could be done trough  be a resignation interview, a deep/better communication with existing staff, or simply trough a questionnaire. If we Find the root cause, we’ll be able to solve the issue faster and more efficient. Also, I need to have a conversation with management, to discuss what are their thoughts and how much time ,money, resources are they willing to allocate for solving the issue
To attract or retain talents, we must understand what are their demands. We have to spend time and have more patience to listen to their needs that are in the depth of their hearts/in order to get to the bottom of the issue In order to/so we could stimulate/spur their interest and enthusiasm for their work.
Gradually reduce negative things within the company. It may be that  the salary and benefits are lower than in other companies, the bad relationship between colleagues, no development prospect and so on.
We have to establish a competitive compensation, broad development prospect, perfect training system, standardized management, employee stock ownership plan, and make employees aware of their self-worth and share the same values as the company.. And in this way the company can gather more talents.