F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


multiple entry visa-多次入境签证

usually one can stay 6 months per entry

visa run (n): 1-visa run is a trip you have to take in order to remain in a country where you’re visa is soon to expire. So you have to leave the country you want to stay in (madness, I know), get to a neighboring country and then turn back around and re-enter the first country.

overstay (v): 1-to stay longer in a place than you are allowed or wanted:
E..g: Be careful not to overstay your visa.
E.g.: They left the party at 11 p.m., careful not to overstay their welcome.

outstay your welcome-to continue to stay in a place although other people want you to leave:
E.g.: They were busy so I left – I didn’t want to outstay my welcome.

social life-社交生活;社交活动
Your social life involves spending time with your friends, for example at parties or in pubs or bars.

I love my CURRENT job

they got a positive attitude 他们态度积极
positive (adj): 1-full of hope and confidence, or giving cause for hope and confidence:
E.g.: a positive attitude
There was a very positive response to our new design – people seemed very pleased with it.

cope (v): 1-to deal successfully with a difficult situation:
E..g: It must be really hard to cope with three young children and a job.