F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


Write about the book- “Lean in” by Sheryl Sandberg


idol (n): 1-someone who is admired and respected very much:
E.g.: a pop/sporting idol
E.g.: The Hollywood film idols of the 1940s were glamorous figures, adored by millions.
​2- a picture or object that people pray to as part of their religion:
E.g.: The ancient people of this area worshipped a huge bronze idol in the shape of an elephant.

look up to sb (v): 1-to admire and respect someone:
E.g.: He’d always looked up to his uncle.

think ahead (v): 1-to think carefully about what might happen in the future, or to make plans for things you want to do in the future:
E.g.: The new year is a natural time to think ahead and make plans for the future.

come as/be a revelation (v)to be an extremely pleasant surprise:
E.g.: This book came as a complete revelation to me.

Living in the moment