F2F Class Notes (Nemo)




What ever I say he will repeat after me

Last night he said for the first time Wan’an

niece (n): 1-a daughter of your brother or sister, or a daughter of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister
E.g.: I bought my niece one of those toy dogs on wheels.

nephew (n): 1-a son of your sister or brother, or a son of the sister or brother of your husband or wife.

cousin (n): 1-堂[表]兄弟姊妹, first cousin a child of a person’s aunt or uncle, or, more generally, a distant (= not close) relation:
E.g.: Many of our distant cousins, whom we hadn’t seen for years, came to my sister’s wedding.
E.g.: I got a niece and nephew too, they’re my cousin’s son and daughter.

first cousin-a child of your aunt or uncle

second cousin-any person who is a child of a cousin of your mother or father

I’m an only child

family reunion-家庭团聚

