F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


They are Korean Chinese

They are ethnically Chinese living in Korea

My father, who is ethnically Chinese, was born in the UK.

bilingual-이중 언어
My boyfriend is bilingual

The most funny= The funniest thing is

So far we have been together for three months.

after we meet each other’s  parents…..

aunt (n): 1-the sister of someone’s father or mother, or the wife of someone’s uncle or aunt:
E.g.: I have an aunt in Australia.
E.g.: This is my Aunt Camille.


marriage (n): 1-a legally accepted relationship between two people in which they live together, or the official ceremony that results in this:
E.g.: They had a long and happy marriage.

wedding (n): 1-a marriage ceremony and any celebrations such as a meal or a party that follow it:
E.g.: a wedding cake/dress/invitation/present/reception
E.g.: Do you know the date of Caroline and Matthew’s wedding?
E.g.: It was their 25th wedding anniversary last week.

bride and groom

they were making fun of you
그들은 지금 너
