F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


diagnose (v)-诊断, to recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining it:
E.g.: The specialist diagnosed cancer.
E.g.: His condition was diagnosed as some type of blood disorder.

tumor (n)-肿瘤, a mass of cells in the body that grow faster than usual and can cause illness:
E.g.: a malignant/benign tumor

metastasis (n)转移, the spread of a disease, especially cancer, from the place where it started in the body to other areas:
E.g.: Patients with kidney metastasis typically have cancerous cell growth in both kidneys.

metastasize (v):If cancer cells metastasize, they spread to other parts of the body and cause tumors to grow there.

benign (adj): 良性的 1-A benign tumor is not likely to cause death:
E.g.: a benign tumor

malignant (adj):恶性的 1-A malignant disease or growth is likely to get worse and lead to death:
E.g.: The process by which malignant cancer cells multiply isn’t fully understood.
E.g.: Is the tumor malignant or benign?

terminal (adj): 1-晚期的;不治的;致命的
that cannot be cured and will lead to death, often slowly
E.g.: He has terminal lung cancer.他患有晚期肺癌。
E.g.: The illness is usually terminal.这种病通常为不治之症。
E.g.: a terminal patient



