F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


insult (v)侮辱to say or do something to someone that is rude or offensive:
E.g.: First he drank all my wine and then he insulted all my friends.

special effects (n): 1-特技效果 In film, special effects are unusual pictures or sounds that are created by using special techniques.
E.g.: The movie won several awards for its special effects.

Sensitive (adj)-敏感, easily upset by the things people say or do, or causing people to be upset, embarrassed, or angry:
E.g.: Her reply showed that she was very sensitive to criticism (批评).
E.g.: He was very sensitive about his looks and thought everyone was staring at him.

it’s a sensitive topic-这是个敏感话题。

stare (v)-凝视, to look for a long time with the eyes wide open, especially when surprised, frightened, or thinking:
E.g.: Don’t stare at people like that, it’s rude.
E.g.: John sat quietly for hours staring into the distance, thinking of what might have been.

prejudice-偏见an unreasonable opinion, especially about a particular group of people, that is formed without thought or knowledge:
E.g.: prejudice against sb/sth The prejudice against hiring someone 50 or older is unfair, because of the value, wisdom, and experience older people bring to the workforce.
E.g.: racial/religious prejudice


nigger (n): 1-an extremely offensive word for a black person NEVER TO BE USED