F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


upside-down (adj):颠倒 1- having the part that is usually at the top turned to be at the bottom:
E.g. :He can stand upside-down.他会倒立。

earthquake (n): 地震
E.g.: The earthquake destroyed the city!
E.g.: There was a big earthquake in Sichuan.

flood (n): 1-洪水

tsunami (n): 1-海啸, an very large wave in the sea caused, for example, by an earthquake
E>g.: The tsunami damaged the town.

wave (n)-海浪
E.g.: Children were playing in the waves .孩子们在海浪中嬉戏。

surname (n)姓,  the name that you share with other members of your family; last name:
E.g.: My surname is Wu-吴
E.g.: My first name is Jason and my surname is Wu.

My friend is Zhensihan and myu classmate is zhoulingyao, and my teacher is Zhou laoshi. Teacher Zhou his class is chinese class have one teacher his name is Shen laoshi his class is in his class we play

My best friend is  Zhensihan and my  classmate‘s name is zhoulingyao. My teacher is called Zhou laoshi. Teacher Zhou teaches us Chinese  there’s one more subject and the  teacher’s name is Shen laoshi