F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [S]


Where do you live?
I live in Jingan district.


What do you want to become when you grow up?
When I grow up I want to be a traffic policeman

traffic policeman-交通警察

What is your father’s name?
My father’s name is Wuzhenchao

throw (v): 丢
E.g.: Throw me the ball

catch (v): 1-抓住
E.g.: Catch the ball

Do you hear me? 你听见了吗?
I don’t hear you!
I hear you!

fall down (v)-跌倒- to fall to the ground
E.g.: Our apple tree fell down in the storm.

E.g.: bed springs-床垫弹簧

Speaking exercise

One boy he go to have a water, this water  is dirty and in water have 弹簧, when he step on 弹簧 he jump. Then he fell down to ground

One boy wanted to  have some water, this water  was dirty and in water was a spring, when he stepped on the spring he bounced, then he fell down to the ground