F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


tune (n)-a series of musical notes, especially one that is pleasant and easy to remember:
E.g.: He was humming a tune as he dried the dishes.
a theme tune
E.g.:That’s a very catchy tune (= easy to remember and pleasant).


amateur (adj): 1- taking part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job:
E.g.: an amateur astronomer/boxer/historian
E.g.: He was an amateur singer until the age of 40, when he turned professional.

professional (adj): 1- used to describe someone who does a job that people usually do as a hobby:
E.g.: She’s a professional dancer/photographer.
E.g.: He’s a runner who’s just turned professional.

antonym (n): 1-a word that means the opposite of another word:
E.g.: Two antonyms of “light” are “dark” and “heavy”.

synonym  (n): 1-a word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language:
E.g.: The words “small” and “little” are synonyms.

101-showing the most basic knowledge about a subject:
E.g.: You should know how to boil an egg – that’s cooking 101.
E.g.: Helping people get to the polls is a basic lesson of politics 101.

context (n): the text or speech that comes immediately before and after a particular phrase or piece of text and helps to explain its meaning:
E.g.: In this exercise, a word is blanked out and you have to guess what it is by looking at the context.

out of context
If words are used out of context, only a small separate part of what was originally said or written is reported, with the result that their meaning is not clear or is not understood:
E.g.: The reporter took my remarks completely out of context.

name sb/sth after sb/sth-to give someone or something the same name as another person or thing:
E.g.: Paul was named after his grandfather.

originally (adv): 1-in the beginning; when something first existed:
E.g.: It was a bedroom originally, but we turned it into a study.
E.g.: They now live in California, but originally they came from Mexico.

district (n): 区, an area of a country or town that has fixed borders that are used for official purposes, or that has a particular feature that makes it different from surrounding areas:
E.g.: the business district of New York
E.g.: the Lake District/the Peak District
E.g.: Jing’an district